Beard Oil
Regardless of the length, texture, or style of your beard it’s safe to say that a good beard-oil will keep it healthy and flourishing. Our Premium oil blend of natural ingredients, sandalwood and warm vanilla will not only grow your beard, but keep it nourished and moisturized. The quality of this formula combats dryness, stagnat growth, and facial fuzz.Our unique blend of essentials oils will penetrate your skin cells and stimulate follicles that will promote rapid hair growth.The results from using your oil will have your beard longer and how much more easier it is to maintain/style. Most importantly, it will have you feeling more confident than ever and like the Man of the HAUS.
Note: To get the best results use at a moderate level daily, exfoliate at least three times a week, and comb your beard 3-5 times a day, (if you have one)
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