Tape in Remover Kit


Seamless Removal Process No Salon needed!

This kit includes the following:

  • Bond Remover (2oz.)
  • Build Up Remover (2oz.)
  • 2 clamps
  • 1 Rat Tail Comb.


  1. Spray the Bond Remover over the tape until bonds become loose, use the end of the Rat-Tail Comb to remove each bond. If a bond feels sticky, add more remover and remove in 10-30 seconds
  2. Apply Build Remover to the area where the tapes were placed.
  3. Comb gently to remove excess build up with Rat-Tail Comb.
  4. Use Hair Clips as needed

Click here to watch a TUTORIAL



Save yourself a trip to the salon and remove your tape -inextensions  at home with our Tape In Removal kit. The Bond Remover is a fast acting remover with an alcohol base that removes tape extensions in an instant. No more tugging and pulling. The build-up remover, remover excess residue or adhesive that may be left behind during the initial removal step. The Build Up Remover leaves zero residue! Simply apply it to the area where tape were placed and gently comb out excess with the rat tail comb. This Kit removes  tape -inextensions in an instant and without any mess! Simply spray and remove! This kit remover leaves the tape extensions clean after removal too making re-application quick so stylists can get clients in and out quicker!




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Tape in Remover Kit